Humanities Texas offers a range of instructional resources and materials on our website that curriculum coordinators, teachers, and families can use while students are away from their school classrooms. Over the next few weeks, we will feature a number of these resources and suggest ways of putting them to use. This month, we highlight A President's Vision, an engaging suite of U.S. history curriculum materials that examines the aspirations of seven notable U.S. presidents and the programs and initiatives that advanced each man's vision.
The centerpiece of A President's Vision is a series of seven posters examining the vision that shaped the presidencies of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Ronald Reagan. More than a simple summary of the president's time in office, each poster identifies the president's vision for his presidency—the "big idea" that guided his actions and decisions in office. The documents, photographs, works of art, and other primary sources featured on each poster illustrate the enactment of his vision. A high-res PDF of each poster is downloadable from our President's Vision website.
A series of downloadable worksheets accompany each poster.
We hope that these materials are enlightening, inspiring, and useful. Please contact our staff with questions, tips, recommendations, and stories of putting these materials to use with your teachers, students, and families. Email Humanities Texas education staff at