Past Institutes

Teaching the U.S. Constitution: Amendments, the Supreme Court, and Rights and Liberties (Spring 2024 Webinar Series)

In the spring of 2024, Humanities Texas held a series of 75-minute webinars for social studies teachers on the U.S. Constitution with a focus on voting rights, fundamental rights, and equality.


The webinars focusd on post-Civil War amendments and landmark cases that cover voting rights, fundamental rights, and equality. Presentations explored how the Supreme Court has contributed to our understanding of what freedom entails. Content aligned with the TEKS.

Like all Humanities Texas teacher programs, the webinar series was content-based and teacher-centered, with an emphasis on teaching with primary sources and developing effective pedagogical strategies.


The program faculty included Joseph F. Kobylka (Southern Methodist University), Kevin T. McGuire (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), and Laura Moyer (University of Louisville).


The series took place via Zoom from 5–6:15 p.m. on January 24 and 31 and February 7. The webinar schedule can be viewed here.


The webinars were made possible with major funding from the State of Texas with ongoing support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Questions about Teacher Institutes

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