Austin participants gather at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum at The University of Texas at Austin. Photo by Charles Bogel.

Randy L. Diehl, professor of psychology and David Bruton Jr. Regents Chair in Liberal Arts at The University of Texas at Austin, welcomes teachers to the program.

Erica Bsumek, associate professor of history at The University of Texas at Austin, discusses populism, the railroads, and the West. Photo by Charles Bogel.

Gretchen Ritter, vice provost and professor of government at The University of Texas at Austin, speaks about women's citizenship and political activism. Photo by Charles Bogel.

Brian Bremen, associate professor of English at The University of Texas at Austin, speaks about American literature in the 1920s. Photo by Charles Bogel.

Tiffany Gill, associate professor of history at The University of Texas at Austin, discusses the civil rights movement. Photo by Charles Bogel.

H. W. Brands, the Dickson, Allen, Anderson Centennial Professor of History and Government at The University of Texas at Austin, delivers a lunchtime lecture on the Progressive Era. Photo by Charles Bogel.

Erica Bsumek and Glenn Stirrat analyze primary sources. Photo by Charles Bogel.

Brian Bremen leads a primary source workshop as Oakley Barber and Caitlin Farley listen. Photo by Humanities Texas.

Tiffany Gill and teachers discuss primary sources. Photo by Charles Bogel.

H. W. Brands leads a primary source workshop. Photo by Humanities Texas.

David M. Kennedy, Donald J. McLachlan Professor of History, Emeritus at Stanford University, speaks about the New Deal. Photo by Charles Bogel.

Monica Perales, assistant professor of history at the University of Houston, discusses Mexican Americans in the twentieth century. Photo by Charles Bogel.

David Oshinsky, Jack S. Blanton Sr. Chair in History at The University of Texas at Austin, delivers a lecture on the 1950s. Photo by Charles Bogel.

Charles Flanagan, director of educational programs at the Center for Legislative Archives at the National Archives, talks to participants about how to teach the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Photo by Charles Bogel.

David M. Kennedy leads a primary source workshop. Photo by Charles Bogel.

David Oshinsky discusses primary sources with teachers. Photo by Humanities Texas.

Monica Perales and Beth Hudson examine primary sources related to Mexican American history. Photo by Humanities Texas.

Charles Flanagan leads a primary source workshop. Photo by Charles Bogel.

Teachers on the east terrace of the Byrne-Reed House during Tuesday evening's reception. From left to right: Angeline Clements, Nicole Allen, Ryann Madden, and Glenn Stirrat. Photo by Humanities Texas.

Oakley Barber, Michael L. Gillette, and Jim Furgeson in the Julius and Suzan Glickman Room of the Byrne-Reed House. Photo by Humanities Texas.

Marsha Sharp, education specialist at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum, discusses the library's resources for educators. Photo by Charles Bogel.

Albert S. Broussard, professor of history at Texas A&M University and Humanities Texas board member, provides insight into teaching the civil rights movement. Photo by Charles Bogel.

Michael L. Gillette speaks about LBJ's Great Society. Photo by Charles Bogel.

Michelle Nickerson, assistant professor of history at Loyola University Chicago, discusses conservatism in post-World War II America. Photo by Charles Bogel.

Albert S. Broussard discusses primary sources. Photo by Charles Bogel.

Michael L. Gillette and teachers analyze primary sources. Photo by Charles Bogel.

Michelle Nickerson leads a primary source workshop. Photo by Charles Bogel.

Teachers enjoy a reception at the home of Humanities Texas board member Michael L. Klein. From left to right: Angeline Clements, Arlene Hastings-Hill, Kevin Baker, and Neel Baumgardner, a UT graduate student who served as the institute coordinator. Photo by Humanities Texas.

Left to right: Jessica Bench, Alexandra Atkinson, and Stacy Hricko at the Klein home. Photo by Humanities Texas.

Faculty, staff, and teachers at the Klein reception. Photo by Humanities Texas.

Left to right: Jane and David Oshinsky, David M. Kennedy, and Alan Tully, professor and chair of the department of history at The University of Texas at Austin.