The group of teachers who attended the El Paso institute. All photos on this page by Humanities Texas.

H. W. Brands, the Dickson, Allen, Anderson Centennial Professor of History and Government at The University of Texas at Austin, delivers the keynote address, "How the Rich Got Rich: The Gilded Age in America."

Keith A. Erekson, assistant professor of history at The University of Texas at El Paso, discusses the Progressive Era.

Michael M. Topp, professor of history at The University of Texas at El Paso, speaks about immigration and ethnicity in the 1920s.

Brad Cartwright, lecturer in history at The University of Texas at El Paso, analyzes how America became a world power.

El Paso teachers Lawren Taqui and Laura Strelzin discuss primary sources.

Brad Cartwright leads a primary source workshop.

H. W. Brands presents primary sources related to FDR and the New Deal.

Keith A. Erekson and an El Paso teacher during a primary source workshop.

Michael M. Topp leads a primary source workshop.

Teachers listened to lectures each morning.

Charles Flanagan, director of educational programs at the Center for Legislative Archives at the National Archives, informs teachers about digital resources available from the National Archives.

Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez, associate professor of communications at The University of Texas at Austin, speaks about World War II.

Maceo C. Dailey Jr., associate professor of history and director of African American studies at The University of Texas at El Paso and Humanities Texas board member, gives a lecture on African Americans and civil rights.

Ignacio M. Garcia, Lemuel H. Redd Jr. Professor of Western American History at Brigham Young University, discusses Hispanic Americans and civil rights.

Two El Paso teachers examine a primary source.

Mark Levitt and Mario Lopez participate in a primary source workshop.

Maceo C. Dailey Jr. leads a primary source workshop.

Charles Flanagan leads a session on National Archives resources.

Ignacio M. Garcia interacts with a small group of teachers.

Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez leads a primary source workshop.

Michael Les Benedict, professor emeritus of history at The Ohio State University, speaks about constitutional history since Reconstruction.

Jon Hunner, professor and chair of the history department at New Mexico State University, gives insight on the Cold War.

Michelle Nickerson, assistant professor of history at Loyola University Chicago, discusses conservatism in post-World War II America.

Mark Atwood Lawrence, associate professor of history at The University of Texas at Austin, speaks about the Korea and Vietnam wars.

James Hicks and Claudia Trevizo examine primary sources.

Michael Les Benedict leads a primary source workshop.

Jon Hunner presents a Cold War-era political cartoon.

Mark Atwood Lawrence leads a primary source workshop.

Michelle Nickerson discusses primary sources related to conservatism in America.