In the fall of 2023 Humanities Texas and the Texas State Historical Association (TSHA) held two 90 minute webinars that introduced teachers to the National History Day (NHD) program and helped them guide and engage their students in research using primary sources.
"Teaching Historical Research Using the National History Day Model," the first webinar held on September 18, introduced teachers to the NHD program. NHD is an exciting project-based learning program that motivates students to explores a topic in Texas, U.S., or world history in depth. Students practice research, writing, historical analysis, and critical thinking skills to produce papers, exhibits, performances, documentaries, or websites. Once their project is complete, students may choose to enter a regional contest where winners advance to state and national competitions.
"Teaching with Primary Sources and Research Tips," the second webinar held on October 16, helped teachers guide and engage students in research using primary sources. Presenters shared researching tips regarding how to find sources, how to determine if the source is reliable, and methods to analyze various types of sources.
Like all Humanities Texas teacher programs, the workshop emphasized close interaction with scholars, the examination of texts, and the development of effective pedagogical strategies and engaging assignments and activities.
Webinar faculty included Lisa Berg, director of education services at TSHA, and Danny Corbett, assistant coordinator of Texas History Day.
The webinar schedule is available here.
The workshop was made possible with major funding from the State of Texas with ongoing support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
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