Past Institutes

Teaching Reconstruction (Spring 2022 Webinars)

In February 2022, Humanities Texas held two webinars for social studies teachers on teaching the Reconstruction era. 


The webinars aligned with the TEKS. The two webinars offered a nuanced understanding of the Reconstruction era.

The first webinar provided a broad overview of how Reconstruction reunited a war-torn nation, destroyed chattel slavery, and remade the American state against a backdrop of racial terrorism and radical economic upheaval. The second webinar focused on teaching the period to students through primary documents.

Like all Humanities Texas teacher programs, the webinars were content-based and teacher-centered, with an emphasis on developing effective pedagogical strategies.


Ben Wright (The University of Texas at Dallas) served as program faculty. 


The institute schedule can be viewed here.


The institute was made possible with major funding from the State of Texas, with ongoing support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Questions about Teacher Institutes

Call 512.440.1991 or email