
Frequently Asked Questions

Working in partnership with the National Endowment for the Humanities, Humanities Texas provides financial support to nonprofit organizations and institutions for humanities programs aimed at public audiences.

What are the humanities?

The humanities include but are not limited to the study of history; literature; modern and classical languages; linguistics; jurisprudence; philosophy; comparative religion; ethics; and the history, criticism, and theory of the arts. Social sciences that employ qualitative approaches such as cultural anthropology, archaeology, and political science are considered part of the humanities, as are interdisciplinary areas such as women’s studies, American studies, and the study of folklore and folklife.

In elementary and secondary education, the humanities are found in social studies and English language-arts courses, as well as in advanced courses in history, literature, foreign languages, art or music history, and related subjects.

Projects may also apply humanities perspectives to current political, social, or economic concerns and issues.

Who qualifies as a humanities expert?

A humanities expert is an individual with particular training or experience in one or more of the academic disciplines in the humanities. The typical qualifications are an advanced degree (M.A. or Ph.D.) in a humanities field of study. However, individuals without an advanced degree may qualify as humanities scholars because of their accomplishments and/or methods of research, inquiry, and teaching.

What roles may humanities experts play?

Humanities experts strengthen a project by providing broad humanistic perspectives as well as in-depth knowledge. They play many roles, including but not limited to:

  • helping conceive of and design a project
  • helping shape the content of an exhibition or other program
  • making public presentations or participating in panel discussions
  • writing critical and interpretive materials for brochures, script treatments, catalogues, etc.
  • performing specific services for the project director, such as reviewing exhibition text, script treatments, or copy for catalogues or brochures

What is the cost-share requirement? What is the difference between “cash” and “in-kind” contributions?

A grantee is required to share at least half of the total project costs. Sponsoring organizations can use cash and in-kind contributions to meet their cost-share requirement. In-kind contributions include donated services and goods, or the use of office space, equipment, telephones, and supplies. Cash contributions are the actual dollars or organizational resources assigned to a project. Put another way, when actual money changes hands and can be documented with receipts and canceled checks (as with salaries, equipment rental, postage, travel, etc.) that expense is considered in the "Cash" column. When goods or services are donated, as in the case of volunteer time, that amount is considered in the "in-kind" column.

How often can an organization apply for funding? Can a group submit more than one proposal in a year?

We don't limit the frequency or number of applications, but we will not award a proposal with a grant period that overlaps with an existing, open grant. See the grant period section below.

What is a grant period?

Your grant period should encompass all aspects of your project, from early promotion to final expenditures and evaluations. Grant periods always begin on the first day of the month and end on the last day. Grant periods must range from two to twelve months. If you seek funding for multiple programs throughout the year, the proposed grant periods for those programs may not overlap.

Should the budget cover the entire project or only that portion that Humanities Texas is being asked to fund?

The budget should provide a picture of the entire project, as well as the role of the Humanities Texas funds. When necessary, the project description should explain how funds will be raised for the entire project.

Can I use a fiscal sponsor to receive funding for my program?

Fiscal sponsors are not eligible to receive Humanities Texas funding. The applicant organization must contribute substantively to the success of the program and will assume programmatic, financial, and legal responsibilities.

Meet with a Grants Team Member

Questions about Grants

Call 512.440.1991 or email

With the support of a mini-grant, the Big Bend Conservation Alliance hosted Jumano Youth Mentor Harley Flores, Jumano Council and Living History Coordinator Elizabeth Flores, and Jumano Tribal Chair JoAnn Betancourt at the 2021 Marfa Lights Festival to meet the public at the BBCA booth. Photo by Sarah M. Vasquez.
In the fall of 2021, the East Texas Oil Museum at Kilgore College displayed the Humanities Texas Exhibition, The Dust Bowl, with the support of a mini-grant.

Dr. Mario Garza and María Rocha of the Indigenous Cultures Institute perform a blessing and song at the shores of Spring Lake. With the support of a major grant, the Meadows Center for Water and the Environment partnered with the Indigenous Cultures Institute to produce a video about the Coahuiltecan history of Spring Lake, the headwaters of the San Marcos River.